Baby herne

Livingston, Mt (US)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments

Baby herne

by Ahnnika Herne

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $6,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $1,175.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$1,175.00 raised of $6,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Livingston, Mt (US)

Ahnnika Herne is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hey guys it’s me Ahnnika, and here is my story. It started 6 years ago when I was blessed with my son Tavin. Along that ride I met my husband Dylon. We dated, got married you know how it goes. Next comes a baby. But there was an issue…. I was diagnosed with pcos as well as endometriosis. Both are total let’s make a baby killer. Makes it pretty much impossible to conceive. Lame! Because I have always wanted to do one of those cute surprises to my husband that we are pregnant. Fast forward though along with my two medical issues I found out my tubes suck making it even harder. So we opted to do ivf. Well at first insurance was not having it an wouldn’t help out at all. So we waited. And insurance added coverage yay go us ! Little to my knowledge they would really only cover 1 egg retrieval process and maybe 2 transfers. Yay so we moved forward with that. Well first transfer in April ended in a miscarriage. Boo.. so we transferred again. We got the best news it stuck an was working. Well fast forward to week 7 of pregnancy. That’s when things took a turn for the worst. Every week like clockwork on Sunday I would end up in the er with severe the point at week 14 I needed a blood transfusion( the same week we found out it was a little girl). We lay low and I’m on bed rest. Week 17 things feel weird an by week 18 at an early doc appointment we were faced with the horrible news I was in preterm labor an there was nothing they could do to stop it or help me. I delivered my sweet willow gene on October 11 2021. I was then rushed into the operating room for a d an c and then had to receive a second blood transfusion. It has been a hard ride for sure. But now that insurance won’t pay we are out of pocket. Now we have enough saved for the transfer itself, but not all the medications and appointments and labs draws I will need. So if you came this far thank you for reading my story. If you can help please donate to help baby Herne happen. Or share my post. Even just 5 dollars would help and would be a paynit forward kind of deal.

Name Donation Date
Tori Cavigli $50.00 February 02, 2022
Jamie Pizer $1,000.00 January 31, 2022
Tom and Heather Gillespie $100.00 January 31, 2022
Anonymous $25.00 January 31, 2022